Monday, June 28, 2010

Birds of New Zealand - Pix and Flix

(We are having trouble figuring out how to format the bird list. In the meantime, we thought you'd enjoy some pictures and a short movie showing some of the NZ birds we saw. Enjoy and stay tuned....)

Here are some more pictures and sounds of the bush (forest) and beach in New Zealand....

Bell Bird and Stitch Bird Chorus, Tiritiri Matangi Island, NZ

Bell Bird (photo by Ian) and Stitch Bird (photo by Ben), honey-eaters which tend to hang out together in the bush.

The Tahake, once thought to be extinct. Only 230 remain on earth, 10 of which are found on Tiritiri Matangi, a pest-free island near Auckland. (Photo by Ian)

The cheeky kea, an alpine parrot known for its intelligence (like a seven year old child) and its penchant for raiding camping supplies and eating windshield wipers. (Photo by Ian, Arthur's Pass NP, South Island, NZ)

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